Nikki Dill

Nikki, a local senior at UNCW set to graduate in May, is not your average communication major—she’s on the IMC track and eyeing her masters. In the diverse landscape of UNCW, Nikki has honed her skills, learning the intricacies of crafting compelling digital narratives and mastering the art of communication strategies. Her academic journey has equipped her with the knowledge to make a lasting impact on her local community.

Navigating the service industry since junior year of high school, Nikki’s journey led her to the bustling heart of local brunch at Cast Iron Kitchen. Here, she’s not just a familiar face; she’s the front of house manager and the creative force behind their social media. Mixing her UNCW IMC classes with real-world experience, Nikki unearthed a passion for graphic design, showcasing a keen eye for detail and a love for crafting visually engaging experiences.

Beyond the restaurant buzz and academic hustle, Nikki extends her creative touch to the digital realm, curating websites and shaping social media profiles for local businesses, family, and friends. To her, relationships matter—whether you’re a friend or a client, she’s on a mission to provide the best experience and service. In her downtime, catch Nikki at local events (especially if they involve food), vibing at concerts, capturing moments through her lens, and savoring the coastal life.