Kensly Davis

Kensly Headshot

Kensly attends the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She will receive her B.A. in Communication Studies with an emphasis in integrated marketing communication in May 2024. Kensly is passionate about marketing and branding because of the influence from her integrated marketing classes at UNCW. Kensly is a member of the national communication honor society known as Lambda Pi Eta. She has also received her associate’s degree at the Wake Tech Community College, located in Raleigh which is where Kensly grew up. During Kensly’s free time, she enjoys baking and cooking; mastering new recipes is her passion. Kensly also motivates herself to learn more about different editing programs. She is the marketing and businesses intern with the Azalea Festival. She thoroughly enjoys event design and working with other people. After college she would love to pursue a career in a marketing field. One of Kensly’s long-term goals is starting her own business. 

I am a creative and passionate student who aims to help others brand themselves with effective communication skills.